Chapter 362. Soil Removal  

§ 362-1. Findings of Mayor and Council.
§ 362-2. Permit required.
§ 362-3. Removal from premises of top layer for depth of six inches forbidden.
§ 362-4. Application required; contents and accompanying documents; fee for permit.
§ 362-5. Signing and verification of application.
§ 362-6. Inspection and approval of grades and contour lines.
§ 362-7. Hearing; factors in determination; issuance of permit; terms.
§ 362-8. Bond; amount; surety.
§ 362-9. Manner of removal.
§ 362-10. Strict compliance required.
§ 362-11. Violations and penalties.
HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Dumont by Ord. No. 533 (Ch. 17 of the 1970 Revised Ordinances). Amendments noted where applicable.


Brush, weeds and debris — See Ch. 139.
Uniform Construction Codes — See Ch. 182.
Floodplain management — See Ch. 222.
Stormwater management and control — See Ch. 374.
Subdivision of land — See Ch. 386.
Zoning — See Ch. 455.