§ 368-20. Review of debris recovery plan.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Approval. A debris recovery plan shall be reviewed by the municipal recycling coordinator, and approved if it provides for all of the information required by this article. An approved debris recovery plan shall be marked "Approved" and returned to the owner of the entity which submitted the plan.
    Denial. A debris recovery plan shall not be approved if it does not provide all of the information required by this article. If a debris recovery plan is not approved, the owner of the entity which submitted the plan, shall be notified in writing that the plan has been rejected, including the reasons for the rejection. In order to obtain the building or demolition permit sought, the owner of the entity which will carry out the construction, renovation, or demolition project shall make the required changes and resubmit the debris recovery plan to the municipal recycling coordinator.