§ 455-42. Co-location.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    The Borough of Dumont requires that licensed carriers share personal wireless service facilities and sites where feasible and appropriate, thereby reducing the number of personal wireless service facilities that are standalone facilities. All applicants for site plan approval for a personal wireless service facility shall demonstrate a good faith effort to co-locate with other carriers. Such good faith effort includes:
    A survey of all existing structures that may be feasible sites for co-locating personal wireless service facilities;
    Notification by certified mail of intent to seek site plan approval to all the other licensed carriers for commercial mobile radio services operating in the county;
    Sharing information necessary to determine if co-location is feasible under the design configuration most accommodating to co-location; and
    A copy of a proposed lease or affidavit of compliance with this article.
    In the event that co-location is found to be not technically feasible, a written statement of the reasons for the infeasibility shall be submitted to the Borough. The Borough may retain a technical expert in the field of RF engineering to verify if co-location at the site is not feasible or is feasible given the design configuration most accommodating to co-location. The cost for such a technical expert will be at the expense of the applicant. The Borough may deny approval to an applicant that has not demonstrated a good faith effort to provide for co-location.
    If the applicant does intend to co-locate or to permit co-location, plans and elevations which show the ultimate appearance and operation of the personal wireless service facility at full build-out shall be submitted.