§ 514-15. Maintenance.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Every foundation, floor, wall, ceiling, door, window, roof, or other part of a building shall be kept in good repair and capable of the use intended by its design, and any exterior part or parts thereof subject to corrosion or deterioration shall be kept well painted.
    Every inside and outside stairway, every porch, and every appurtenance thereto shall be so constructed as to be safe to use and capable of supporting the load that normal use may cause to be placed thereon, and shall be kept in sound condition and good repair. Every stairway having three or more steps shall be properly banistered and safely balustraded.
    Every porch, balcony, roof, and/or similar place higher than 30 inches above the ground, used for egress or for use by occupants shall be provided with adequate railings or parapets. Such protective railings or parapets shall be properly balustraded and be not less than three feet in height.
    Every roof, wall, window, exterior door, and hatchway shall be free from holes or leaks that would permit the entrance of water within a dwelling or be a cause of dampness.
    Every foundation, floor, and wall of a dwelling shall be free from chronic dampness.
    Every dwelling shall be free from rodents, vermin and insects. Rodent, insect or vermin extermination and rodent proofing and vermin proofing may be required by the Board of Health. Rodent, insect and vermin extermination shall be carried out in accordance with § 514-16I. Every openable window, exterior door, skylight, and other opening to the outdoors shall be supplied with properly fitting screens in good repair from May 1 until October 1 of each year. Such screens shall have a mesh of not less than No. 16.
    Every building, dwelling, dwelling unit and all other areas of the premises shall be clean and free from garbage or rubbish and hazards to safety. Lawns, hedges and bushes shall be kept trimmed and shall not be permitted to become overgrown or create a health hazard.
    The public officer may order the owner to clean, repair, paint, whitewash, or paper such walls or ceilings, when a wall or ceiling within a dwelling has deteriorated so as to provide a harborage for rodents or vermin, or when such a wall or ceiling has become stained or soiled, or the plaster, wallboard, or other covering has become loose or badly cracked or missing. Nothing in this paragraph shall be so construed as to place upon the nonresident owner responsibilities for cleanliness contained in § 514-16F.
    Every water closet compartment floor and bathroom floor shall be so constructed and maintained as to be reasonably impervious to water so as to permit such floor to be kept in a clean condition.
    All radiators and other heating fixtures or devices are to function properly at all times. All valves and shutoffs are to be in good condition and in state of good repair at all times. Improperly functioning equipment shall be replaced immediately.
    Sink tops shall be of a tight impervious material free from cracks, breaks, rot, lifting, leaks, vermin and pests. They shall be in good repair and free from any insanitary condition which may be dangerous to the health of any individual making use thereof, or become a potential source of illness to any individual or person exposed to the use of such sink top.
    All kitchen sink fixtures shall be in good condition and repair, free from cracks, leaks, vermin or other infestations.
    All sink faucets shall be in good condition and repair; leaky and otherwise faulty faucets shall be replaced or repaired immediately.
    In all apartments, where a home laundry washer type of machine is used, it shall be equipped with a back flow preventer so as to assure elimination of any possible cross-connection.
    In all apartments, where refrigerators are supplied, they shall at all times be in good condition and state of good repair, free from any insanitary condition or odors. Noisy and faulty refrigerators shall be removed when so ordered from any apartment and replaced by ones in good working order.
    All cooking ranges, either electric or gas, shall be in good condition and repair, free from odors, grease, vermin and pests.
    All kitchen closets and drawers shall be clean and sanitary, free from vermin and pests.
    The owner shall paint every apartment or room every two years and at such time when there is a change of tenant whether it be two years or less.
    All walls and ceilings shall be at all times clean, in good condition and repair. Breaks and cracks shall be repaired immediately.
    All roofs shall be free from leaks and if found to be leaking, repaired immediately.
    Windows are to be completely caulked, free from drafts and leaks, cracked and broken panes, and in good working order.
    Floors are to be of a tight construction and free from vermin and pests.
    All bathroom fixtures are to be free from cracks, leaks, defects, vermin and pests. All bathroom fixture faucets, shall be in good condition and in state of good repair, free from corrosion and leaks.
    All bathtubs shall be tightly caulked so as to prevent water from leaking into the cellar or apartment below.
    All toilet seats shall be made of an impervious material, free from cracks and defects.
    All apartment entrances shall be fitted with doors, which when closed are free from drafts and leaks.
    All cleanouts for building sewer drains shall be visibly marked with the letters "CO" on the wall over the cleanout area. The cleanout shall be raised to a height of six inches over the finished floor.
    No toilets or water closets shall be permitted in any cellar or basement areas.
    All automatic dryers shall be vented to the outside of the building.
    Walls in all cellar and basement areas shall be whitewashed.
    All cellar wells shall be frequently drained to prevent accumulation of any drain or surface water.
    Wash basins and slop sinks shall be installed in accord with the requirements of the local plumbing code and shall have, in addition to hot and cold water faucets, individual shutoff valves for hot and cold water.
    All leaks and defects in any plumbing fixture shall be repaired immediately or the fixture replaced.
    All basement or cellar floors shall be swept daily and kept free from any accumulation of debris, rubbish or any other form of refuse or garbage.
    Basement, cellar floors and crawl spaces shall be kept free of stagnant water or any other contaminating materials or odors.
    Boiler or furnace rooms shall be properly vented and free from accumulation of water or gases.